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Food & Agriculture

The SSC Food & Agriculture project is the latest in a series, with an initial focus on exploring how the Danish and Indian governments can cooperate to promote the green transition in the food and agricultural sectors. Given the immense potential in these sectors, the project aims to contribute to more resource-efficient and climate-friendly production throughout the value chain. To achieve this, the project seeks to foster close and in-depth cooperation and knowledge sharing between the Danish public and private sectors and Indian authorities, businesses, and civil society.

The SSC Food & Agriculture project is the latest in a series, with an initial focus on exploring how the Danish and Indian governments can cooperate to promote the green transition in the food and agricultural sectors. Given the immense potential in these sectors, the project aims to contribute to more resource-efficient and climate-friendly production throughout the value chain. To achieve this, the project seeks to foster close and in-depth cooperation and knowledge sharing between the Danish public and private sectors and Indian authorities, businesses, and civil society.

The partnership’s main strategic priorities will be structured around two identified tracks of cooperation: Food Safety and Production, and Animal Husbandry and Dairy Production. Cooperation on Animal Husbandry and Dairy Production may involve areas such as livestock health, AMR, genetics, breeding, feed quality and hygiene in the value chain, agroecology, and organic dairy production. Cooperation on Food Safety and Production may cover areas such as food and feed safety management, risk-based control, traceability, nutrition, minimizing food loss through resource-efficient production, and collaboration on ingredients.