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Invest in Denmark

Invest In Denmark has been operating in India for over 20 years. We have been instrumental in supporting the establishment and expansion of more than 40 Indian companies in Denmark across Industries like Tech, CleanTech, Life Science, among others.

Our journey with the companies starts before they establish their presence. We engage with these companies, support their registration process by providing access to our service provider network and continue to support them as part of our aftercare program.

Through our unique engagement and collaborative model, we help you understand the market opportunity, Danish business regulations, labour lawstaxation and provide access to our national network of industry associations, innovation clusters, chamber commerce, universities and other service partners.

Consider us as your trusted partners during your journey into Denmark.

For more information please feel free to visit our website Invest In Denmark or contact:

Shanker Subramaniam

Investment Manager - Tech, India
+91 99000 80294
[email protected]


Gautam Mohan

Investment Manager - Cleantech & Tech
+91 963 234 2021
[email protected]


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